Orders Vinho ao Vivo: wines on sale until July 25

Dear Terroiristas,

We end the 14th edition of Vinho ao Vivo with our hearts full of magnificent moments at this meeting of winegrowers and everyone else, where an atmosphere of sharing, hugging and celebrating was created, all washed down with extraordinary wines, music and food. Thank you so much for joining us in this wheel.
We’d be delighted if you could give us your feedback and suggestions, we’ll always try do do better, because next year there’s more!

You can now buy all the wines on Os Goliardos’ list at festival prices until Monday 15th July. Orders between 50 and 150 euros will receive a 5% discount. Orders over 150 euros will receive a 10% discount.

Lista Os Goliardos Julho 2024 _para encomenda_AFICIONADOS

Fill in the attached file with your request, name, address, tel, mail
Save the document with a name « VV2024_your name »
Send to encomendas.goliardos@gmail.com
Wait for our confirmation of availability and delivery
Make payment by transfer to
BPI Goliardos
Nib: 0010 0000 3543 9950 001 22
Please send us an email indicating that you have made the payment and stating the full name of the account holder.
Indicate if you prefer to pick up in the garage in Campolide (Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays from 4 pm to 8 pm, or contact us for another time) or if you prefer delivery. Free deliveries in the city of Lisbon from 50 euros of order or 5 euros of increase for less.
We send to other places in Portugal for free with a minimum order of 250 euros

And then it’s just enjoy…