Different approaches to natural winemaking
Producing in a more ethical and healthier way for the producer, the consumer and the planet has led first and foremost to a return to chemical-free agriculture. But the conversion to organic and the new climate and human challenges have brought difficulties to the surface in chemical-free production, and various approaches have emerged, from biodynamics with Steiner to regenerative agriculture and agroforestry, to respond to the desire to create an integrated viticulture in a productive, living and resilient ecosystem.
We’ll taste wines from these various schools while presenting the fundamentals and practices of each of them.
Monday, April 7th at 6pm
Garagem d’Os Goliardos, Rua General Taborda 91, Campolide
Tasting of booked places, 20€/person paid by mbway or transfer
For those taking part in the tasting and on the day of the tasting, all wines from the producers at the tasting will have a 20 % discount off the aficionados’ list
Mandatory reservation to golias.goliardos@gmail.com
In the event of cancellation, please notify us 24 hours in advance. Otherwise, the amount cannot be refunded.