Clos Marfisi

Julie e Mathieu Marfisi

Julie and Mathieu Marfisi, children of the still-active 85-year-old Toussaint, who never stops working in the vineyards, which have been tended since the 1970s without ever resorting to herbicides and pesticides, tempting when labour became scarce in the countryside, represent the fifth generation of this family farm, which has existed since 1870 and cultivates 14 hectares of vineyards and the good sense of harmony with nature, on dominant limestone soils in the small Patrimonio appellation (400 hectares in total), in the far north of the island of Corsica.
Julie joined the farm in 2010 after training in agricultural management and Mathieu, an engineer by training, completed the duo in 2014 after four years in Paris. They extend the beautiful heritage they have inherited by transmitting a natural serenity that is reflected in the deep, digestive wines, which are beautiful ambassadors for the Mediterranean islands. As well as investing in the estate, Mathieu has been involved in the collective management of the Patrimonio designation of origin since 2016, being a federating President with a long-term qualitative vision of the challenges to be resolved.
They have provided a more precise definition of the cultivated plots, which they have separated into 3 large entities:
– Ravagnola, which is by the sea, with 9.5 ha of vineyards on limestone slopes exposed to the west with the red varieties Niellucciu (Sangiovese in Italy), Carcaghjolu neru and Minustellu recently recovered, and the white varieties Vermentinu, Rimenese (which had almost disappeared) and Muscat à petits grains.
– Gritole, an alluvial plain with a limestone carpet of small stones reminiscent of some areas of Châteauneuf du Pape, with 2 ha of Niellucciu.
– Grotta di sole, exposed limestone slopes to the south with a granite and schist surface and a dominant area of Vermentinu (2 ha) and Niellucciu (half a hectare).
The vines are grown in pots (gobelet) to better withstand the dry season. The winemaking, with gentle extractions, takes place in stainless steel vats or in vats with ageing on the skins until bottling, without filtration. Doses of sulphur dioxide are sparing.

The wines :
Malolactic processes are carried out on both white and red wines.
White Grape Blanc 2023: Vermentinu (50%) and Rimenese (50%), from the Ravagnola area, long pressing with whole bunches, cold decanting and ageing on the skins in stainless steel vats for 6 months.
White Grotta di sole 2023: Vermentino from the terroir that gives the wine its name, long pressing with whole bunches, cold decanting and ageing on the skins in stainless steel vats for 9 months.
White Clos Marfisi 2022: Vermentino from the Ravagnola area, close to the sea. Long pressing with whole bunches, cold decanting, fermentation and ageing in stainless steel vats for 12 months.
Rosé d’une Nuit 2023: Niellucciu from the Ravagnola area, on clay-loam soil. One-night maceration without crushing for 80% of the grapes and 20% direct pressing. Ageing for 6 months on fine lees.
Red Patrimonio mon amour 2023: Niellucciu from the Ravagnola area, on clay-loam soil with limestone subsoil. 80% of the grapes are macerated without crushing for 3 days, plus 20% direct pressing. Aged for 6 months on the skins in stainless steel vats before bottling.
Rouge 2022 red grape: Blend of Carcaghjolu neru (25%), Minustellu (25%) and Niellucciu (50%) from the Ravagnola terroir, the first variety is macerated half with the whole bunch and half destemmed for 15 days, the second variety is macerated 15 days destemmed, the Niellucciu is pressed immediately for 5 hours before being blended with the other two varieties. The whole blend is aged for 12 months on the skins before being bottled.
Red Ravagnola 2021: Niellucciu destemmed and not crushed, macerated for 15 days in stainless steel vats before being pressed and aged for 24 months in vats on fine lias.

La nostra selezione di vini

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