Help João Tavares de Pina

Bad news travels fast, but not as fast as the fire that started during the night of 17 September 10km from Penalva do Castelo and reache d Quinta da Boavista in no time, leaving the house of a lifetime in ashes and the vines that João Tavares de Pina finally had in production after a handful of years of replanting following another fire in 2017. When the fire calmed down from a fight against the flames with ridiculously scarce means in an entire region in need of help, João had the courage to reach out and ask for our help. We know he has the regenerative strength we saw in his vines, and this Phoenix has already risen from two fires and two serious accidents. But this has been a heavy blow and we want to help João, who refuses to accept charity and only asks us buy his wine. As the sun rose, the darkness of the ashes appeared, and while the loss dominated, a warm wave of friends appeared, wanting to help because after such criminal injustice, solidarity still allows us to believe in humanity. Let’s help João, Luísa, Inês, Maria and Rita to be able to have their home back and the means to restore the vines to life, guaranteeing the investment of labour and the time for them to be able to produce again. We have attached photos that show the harshness of the disaster.

After several exchanges with people eager to help, we will move forward with different actions:
1) Until the end of December, the Goliardos (João Tavares de Pina distributers for more than 10 years based in Lisbon), will donate the entire value of the sales of JTP wines to the producer, i.e. the margin earmarked for the Goliardos will be donated to João.
2) Solidarity draw for collection wines: We will soon be launching a draw for a collection of special wine packages that are being generously offered by other friendly wine producers and also by the Goliardos. The draw will be made using a raffle system worth €25 a piece, with all the proceeds going to João Tavares de Pina. On 17 November, there will be a raffle in which participants will be able to win sets of wines from an exclusive selection. It will be a way for anyone to contribute in a very direct way to helping João, and at the same time be in with a chance of receiving a very special pack of wines.

How can you help?
1) You can help by buying their wines in various places, particularly on the Os Goliardos website following the link link. We will need more time to answer all orders, so we kindly ask you to be patient.
You can be also a good help by buying raffle tickets for the solidarity draw (coming soon).
2) Restaurants can help by promoting the sale of their wines, placing their wine by the glass or in the spotlight, or organising themed evenings around their wines, for example. They can also buy raffle tickets.
3) Wine producers who want to help can contribute a set of wines for the raffle and also buy raffle tickets.

We’ve agreed with the Tavares de Pina family that at the end of the raffle we’ll take stock of the need for further action, with a more deeper survey of needs.
Thank you all in advance for your support for João
Goliardic salutations
The Os Goliardos team in favour of the Tavares de Pina family





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