TASTING OF THE MONTH – Vale da Capucha, quinta wines

2ªfeira, 19 de Fevereiro, às 17h

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<p>Brothers Manuel and Pedro Marques will be presenting the wines of Vale da Capucha, produced in the Lisbon region, more specifically in Torres Vedras, less than 8 kilometres from the sea, with young vines and a relatively extensive range that is the result of a producer who has tried to evolve and experiment with new ways of expressing the Atlantic terroir. On Monday, we’ll have the opportunity to get to know the different wines and talk to Pedro and Manuel about the life of the quinta.</p>
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<p>Tasting with booked seats, 20€/person paid by mbway or transfer</p>
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<p>For those taking part in the tasting and on the day of the tasting, all the wines from the producers at the tasting will have a 20% discount on the aficionados’ list</p>
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<p>Booking required to <a href=”mailto:golias.goliardos@gmail.com”>golias.goliardos@gmail.com</a></p>
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<p>In the event of cancellation, please notify us 24 hours in advance. Otherwise, the amount cannot be refunded.</p>
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